Santa Monica, California, was a great place to grow up.  I was a daydreamer as a child, and many of those dreams have come true.  I'm blessed with a 51 year marriage to my husband, Ed.  Our loving and supportive family includes four grown children and two grandsons.
I'm glad writing didn't interfere with those precious years when my children were small.  Later we moved and owned a small grocery store nestled in the Redwoods of northern California.  That's when the muse began to visit me.
As well as being a published writer and teacher, I was Assistant Elementary Director of Christian Education at Garden Grove Community Church, Garden Grove, California (today the Crystal Cathedral), Children's Ministry Director at Hydesville Community Church, Hydesville, California, a children's bookstore manager, and a conference director.
My forte as a writer and teacher is to inspire and motivate others to reach their dreams.